What do we really know about “African music”?

What is “African music”? What jumps to mind when you hear the words “African music”? Do multilayered, syncopated drum rhythms fill your headspace? Are there non-percussion instruments? How about vocal music? Chances are, given the time, the musical picture painted by our collective minds would have striking similarities. What about those rhythms! If you’ve given […]

Grow your teaching with these 5 powerful self-awareness hacks!

This post showed up in my Instagram feed a few weeks back (thanks to @busstopprophet for posting!) My first thought as I read was…I LOVE THIS! As I reflected on it, however, I wondered if it was even possible. Every single moment?! Aren’t we running the risk of crossing into Toxic Positivity Territory? Anyway, it […]

A fresh look at dancing

From ages 8-14, I lived in a tiny farm town that (believe it or not) held dances-for sixth graders ONLY-every Friday night at the local Y. Much to my surprise, my parents let me attend probably twice a month. I don’t remember much about these dances except that the large room was crowded with awkward […]

What we don’t always think about with meditation

Awhile back, I was hanging out with a group of friends when the conversation turned to meditation. After a few minutes of back and forth, one said they were using a meditation app that, it turned out, several other people were also using. Finally, one of my friends blurted, “I like meditating, but every time […]


My name is Charles Alexander, and I am a career K-12 educator. I have spent 32 years (not counting 3 years spent as a substitute teacher) teaching primarily music and theater, but I also teach courses in Yoga and Mindfulness and Creative Play, which explores collaboration through the lens of small- and large-group non-competitive challenges. […]